Quick Thoughts – MoP Build 16004 Changes

Three patches in 4 days! I’m OK with this! Here’s what’s changed in the world of Shadow this time:

  • Devouring Plague has its damage increased by 10%. To put this in perspective, this is equivalent to having its damage reduced by 7.5% if the nerfs in Build 15972 never occurred.
  • Mind Flay had its damage increased by 8.2%. This is equivalent to having its damage reduced by 8% if the nerfs in Build 15972 never occurred.
  • Mind Blast had its damage increased by 10%. Keeping with the theme, this is the same as having its damage increased by 16.875% if the nerfs in Build 15972 never occurred.

These look like good buffs, and indeed they are a step in the right direction, but if you dig a little deeper you’ll find that Shadow is still worse off now than we were on Monday EDIT: we’re better off now overall from a DPS PoV than on Monday, even if Mind Blast has gotten a significant buff.

I’ll spare the rough napkin math for now and do a full suite a simulations as soon as possible (hopefully tonight if SimulationCraft data gets updated!).

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